Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why Am I here?

Seems like a simple question. Why Am I here? Could it be to get a college degree? Done that with Honors. Serve my country? Done that too, in combat. Serve the public? Done that on several occasions, both as a police officer, and a corrections officer. I am doing it now as a Jailer. So what? Raise a family? Doing that. Serve God? Not sure how to do more for that. I have gone to Church when able to after I was "saved" in 2004. I am no longer sure if there have been any improvements in both my spiritual and physical life after that event. Up until recently, I have prayed on a regular basis. My quality of life has declined since that has become a regular part of my life. I do have conversations of faith with my inmates at times. I defend Christianity on the internet. I give to the offering when I can. What else is there? Here is what I am sure about. I am what people would refer to as a Christian. I do believe that Jesus Christ was born from the Virgin Mary. I believe he is the Son Of God. I do believe he is the only one who has led a life without sin. I do believe he died on the Cross to pay for our sins. I do believe he rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven, with the promise to return again in fulfillment of prophecy. Now for the ball buster of questions: Does He love me? I am not sure. He does not know me. I do not know Him. We are strangers, yet he asks me to sacrifice much. I have done so. There is nothing more I can give except for my very life, which He has not asked me for. I am not Job, the man who lost everything just so the Lord can prove a point to Satan. So again the main question stands: Why Am I Here?


  1. That is part of your problem. The lack of prayer and a real relationship with God.

  2. Been there, done that. Worn out the t-short. Can't afford another one.
